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Автор: Matyokubov O.K., Bekimetov A.F.   
21.04.2019 11:31



Matyokubov O’tkir Karimovich., Bekimetov Alisher Farxodovich.

Urgench Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies 

Named After Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi


Annotatsiya – Hozirda mobil aloqa tizimlarida mobil stantsiyalarning manzillarini aniq aniqlaydigan GPS texnologiyalari yordamisiz ishlash mexanizmlari kuchaytirilishi zarur hisoblanadi. Bu taklifni amalga oshirish uchun ushbu maqolada ishlatiladigan Okamura-Xata va Wolfish-Ikegami usullarini taklif qilamiz. Ushbu ishning maqsadi - GPS vositalaridan foydalanib, kompleks tadqiqotchilarni va nazorat qiluvchi tashkilotlarning ish samaradorligini oshirishdir.

Abstract — Mobile communications must be enhanced by establishing a non-GPS technology that can detect the positions of mobile stations precisely. In this paper, we propose methods of used Okamura-Hata and Wolfish-Ikegami. The purpose of this work is carrying out of complex researchers of features and the supervision organization objects by means of GPS.

Аннотация - Мобильная связь должна быть улучшена за счет внедрения технологии без GPS, которая может точно определять местоположение мобильных станций. В этой статье мы предлагаем методы использования Okamura-Hata и Wolfish-Ikegami. Целью данной работы является проведение комплексных исследований особенностей и организации наблюдения объектов с помощью GPS.

         Keywords — GSM, Non-GPS, NLOS, LOS, WIM, BTS, mobile station


           In mobile communications, the establishment of very precise mobile station detection technologies is an important goal. Some of the existing technologies utilize only the mobile communication system itself. One example is the cell based mobile location approach. The subject of researchers in mobile systems GSM on Non-GPS navigation. The purpose of this work is carrying out of complex researchers of features and the supervision organization objects by means of GPS.


For achievement of the given purpose, it was necessary to solve following problems:

-To consider types of control mobile systems and to show advantages of application GPS navigation control systems, mobile objects. At carrying out of researches in the given work, it is if results can be used practically for an authentic estimation capacity of supervision mobile objects on GPS and workings out of recommendations. Because of the spent researchers following scientific results are received:


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