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Issues on developing students' communicative competence through the task based learning PDF Печать E-mail
Автор: Uktamjon Ortikov Xudoyberdi-o'g'li   
31.05.2020 12:17


Uktamjon  Ortikov Xudoyberdi-o'g'li

Faculty teacher

Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Abstract:  This article analyses the efficiency of using task-based learning in language learning process and issues on implementing it in practice effectively.  As part of a communicative approach to teaching foreign language, the term task appears from the beginning of the 1980s, but has not received a single interpretation among foreign methodologists and continues to be at the center of discussions. Many researchers understand the term (task) in a broader sense - as a unit of teaching or learning (a unit of teaching / learning), this allows us to correlate it with the terms "exercise" and "task" in their wide sense.

Keywords:  learner, instruction, task-based language teaching, Task-based Instruction.

         In the process of learning a foreign language we all master knowledge in different ways with different technologies and approaches. One of the alternatives could be a learning technology based on completing assignments without the traditional preparatory explanation and training of a language phenomenon. This technology can be called a “mirror reflection” of the traditional scheme, and not only in terms of the sequence of work with language material, but also in the principle of its selection, presentation and organization. In the technology of Task Based Learning the language does not act as an exercise, but as a tool for completing a task, i.e. there is a tool to achieve the goal (as in real communication: language is a means of communication). This technology reflects the natural process of language acquisition: first we feel the need to say something, then we try to say it, then we speak and try to make our language better [4].

         Task is a communicative exercise or task characterized by predominant attention to the content, and not to the linguistic form, correlation with the conditions of real communication and focus on achieving a specific result.

         The term task was assigned a specific meaning, different from the broad interpretation of the “exercise” in the domestic methodology, with the advent of training programs that were developed based on communicative tasks. Task is a communicative exercise or task characterized by predominant attention to the content, and not to the linguistic form, correlation with the conditions of real communication and focus on achieving a specific result.

         Language for us appears as a holistic phenomenon, and then its components are singled out: vocabulary, grammar, etc. The goal of a teacher is to create an opportunity to use language. Tasks in the format of the technology we are considering are a type of activity in which the language being studied is used with a communicative purpose to achieve a certain result [1].

         Tasks have an appropriate level of complexity and provide an active role for students. During their implementation, all the knowledge and skills of students in a foreign language are involved; the participation of all their mental processes (selection, classification, ordering, and evaluation) is required.

         Situations in the framework of the implementation of projects based on the technology of “task based learning” arise naturally in the communication process and are real communication situations, not pseudo-communicative ones created intentionally for educational purposes. That is why the stage of creating a speech utterance in this technology is moved to the very beginning: a speech utterance is created without reliance on explanation and repetition, as in the process of communication. The student is focused on the content of the statement, and not on its form. Learning through communication ensures personal involvement (as participants say what they consider necessary and meaningful), and this is an indispensable condition for motivation to learn a foreign language. 

         The technology of “task based learning” gives students also complete freedom in choosing language tools for completing the task. The teacher should always be able to select tasks and change them along the way. In addition, students themselves must evaluate the completion of the assignment. Another significant advantage of the technology “task based learning” is that students can apply actual knowledge from different fields that they received in their native language, in speech in a foreign language. The specificity of this technology is also the use of authentic materials (taken from real life, and not specially created for educational purposes). One of the drawbacks of this technology is related to the process of speaking. Perhaps, for those who have just started studying a foreign language, this technology is not suitable, since they are more focused on comprehension of linguistic phenomena.

         Penny Ur believes that Task-based Learning (TBL) / Instruction is not suitable for teaching English in schools in non-English-speaking countries, and teachers in this situation are much more successful in teaching using the traditional approach. Task-based Instruction is more suitable for teaching adult motivated students in focused on academic success and, as a rule, at a level not lower than Intermediate.

         Task-based learning will be successful when students learn English in communicative situations, and only focus on learning linguistic structures. Penny Ur explained the differences and common features of these two approaches of teaching English.

         In her presentation, she raised an interesting question: Why is Task-based Learning so actively promoted in the methodological and educational literature? There are many reasons for this, for example, compliance with modern theories about the study of foreign languages. However, none of these reasons, according to Penny Ur, justifies the enthusiasm for Task Based learning - after all, there is no clear evidence that Task Based learning is more effective than traditional [2].

         The traditional method, says Penny Ur, is more effective in teaching English to beginners, as well as when you work in accordance with a strict curriculum, in conditions of time pressure, as well as it is necessary to prepare students for the exam. 

         The most controversial point of this technology is the question of when it is more advisable to evaluate the result (at the main stage or while working with the language design of the text), and what are the evaluation criteria (after all, for different tasks performed in one chain, they are different). The main thing is to evaluate the performance of a communicative task, and not the correct use of speech material, as is the case in traditional methods. It can be assumed that such a shift in emphasis removes certain psychological difficulties of students, which are usually restrained by the subconscious fear of making a mistake in speaking in a foreign language, thus ensuring the success of its study.

         By these reasons that the technology of “task based learning” has become a popular means of developing fluency in speaking and motivated confidence.

         It is necessary to present the generally accepted structure of the technology under consideration: Pre-task (pre-text stage), Task Cycle (main task), and Language Focus (language stage). At the first stage (Pre-task), the teacher should show students what they have to do themselves. The pre-text stage includes presenting the topic of the assignment and, possibly, performing exercises that allow us to repeat the potentially necessary lexical material, or acquaintance with new language material, which will be useful in completing the assignment. However, at subsequent stages, its use is not regulated in any way. In any case, it is necessary to “warm up” them before their upcoming work. This stage can be organized in various forms: as telling a personally significant story, showing a video on a relevant topic, presenting an image or audio material.

         Often the following question arises: in practice, we are dealing with groups consisting of students with different levels of training. How to remove potential difficulties? However, this can also be attributed to the advantages of the technology under consideration, since it allows the teacher to form groups by dividing students by the level of training, and offer them assignments in accordance with their level or make groups multilevel so that less prepared students perform the easier part of the task.

         It is clarified that task - based learning is one of the most worthwhile and precise ways in teaching. As well as, it helps not solely for teachers , but also for students in order to boost their vocabulary, lets them think logically, be conscious of  using vastly appropriate collations in their interactions and speech, gives inspiration of  developing oratory skills for students and also it improves learners sociability during the activity with their partners [3]. 

         Furthermore, teaching English with task-based learning is able to improve student’s receptive and productive skills efficiently as well. One point that should be mentioned as a sample is students were given a chance of recalling all previous learned words and provided various tasks concerning enhancing vocabulary, especially target words which can be utilized in the topic “Environment”, were showed a variety of illustrations with the words below as visual aid for participators to describe, clarify good and bad consequences of human’s rapport to the environment by means of words which submitted in pre-stage of the lesson. With the helping of posters students were able to comprehend what the objective of each activities and what was information given for.  

         Finally, the effectiveness of the teaching English with task based learning is the most effective teaching strategy. The other words, teachers should provide an appropriate strategy to promote EFL/ESL learners acquisition. Using task-based     learning is the teaching strategy that the researcher employed to improve students’ critical thinking and speaking skills. Videos and News are authentic materials that are rich with the reality of life, they are better encourage students to learn actual language used. The study found a majority of students preferred this strategy. We might state that to find the appropriate strategy may lead students to success in acquire a foreign language.

         To summarize what has been said, the advantages of the technology of “task based learning” include: 

         - maximum proximity to the natural process of learning a language; 

         - real communication situations; 

         - the involvement of all students, regardless of the level of language training;

          - the opportunity for students to choose and use familiar grammar and lexical material, not limited to the topic being studied;

          -  flexibility in the distribution of tasks in groups and students themselves in groups;

          - the possibility of mutual verification and evaluation of students;

          - the ability to develop the completed task to the project level;

          -  communication “student-student” or “student-group” instead of “student-teacher”. 

         Using the technology of "task based learning teaching" makes it possible to:

         -  Stimulate  passive vocabulary;  -  speak a foreign language without fear of correction;

        - Actively monitoring the learning process;



1.       Avlyakulov N.Kh. Modern teaching technologies. Tutorial. Tashkent, 2001.  p. 68.

2.       Azizkhodjaeva N.N. Pedagogical Technology and Pedagogical Master.  Tashkent, 2002. p. 35.

3.       Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages. The manual for the teacher. Moskow, 2003.

4.       Makhmutov M., Ibragimov G.I., Ushakov M.A. (1993) Pedagogical technology, the development of students' thinking. – Kazan.

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