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Автор: Abdusalomov F.A. |
02.06.2020 11:57 |
analysis of militarized educational establishments) Firuz Abdukholikovich Abdusalomov Teacher, Academy of the MIA of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. Tashkent. Annotation: This article is devoted to
the significance of the ICT, its convenience in learning languages, useful
features, gained by many scientists in their research-woks and their achievements
in the world. It is also devoted to some requirements demanded from modern
English teachers and, of course, the opportunities and challenges of the
computer technologies. Key words: foreign
languages, information-communication
technology, Curriculum, integration, positive sides, academic achievements,
internet, technique, experience, gadget, discipline, computer. At present, the status of English is assessed as it has become the language of social context, political, socio-cultural, business, education, industries, media, library, communication across borders, and key subject in Curriculum and the language of imparting education. With the spread and development of English around the world, English has been learned and used by more and more people. Scholars define English as the language at the leading edge of scientific and technological development, new thinking in economies and management, new literatures and entertainment genre. Indeed, nowadays learning the English language plays a great role, especially in the globalization process and the importance of learning the English language is becoming more an attractive theme day by day in Uzbekistan and, it means the cross-cultural relationships are developing in our country. Therefore, we should pay extensive attention to the young generations` learning of foreign languages in order to make a tremendous progress in the future. As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, mentioned: "To reach real scientific achievements the door to the world should be wide open. To be fully aware of these achievements is extremely important. That`s why it is important to master foreign languages." That is because we are living in a world of global collaboration, co-operation changing as rapidly as it has never had before. We make progress owing to our knowledge and experience, sharing ideas with people from different countries, analyzing and, if necessary, adapting their way of studying, teaching and working. Surely, for doing all these we need to know English and at the same time, to use the latest information communication technologies of a proper time, as much as we can. On this occasion English comes to scene as a “golden key” to integrate modern society, as the means of international and intercultural communication, and it incontrovertible that, the importance of computer technologies is increasing extensively. As we mentioned above, people and businesses have made use of modern technologies around the world. Technology has become so popular that many educational institutions have implemented the use of computer technology to make teaching students easier. Thus, the role of information communication technology in the trend of the English language teaching and learning is enormous. The expression ICT refers to series of technology which include a computer. Computers are the fastest and easiest way for humanity to make research and look for information, controlling machines and controlling such rockets, are orbiting our planet. With the ever increasing population of computer technology, it is almost impossible to find an educational establishment that does not use it. Computers are becoming more and more important within education as both a learning tool for students and for keeping records of all individuals at the school.Learning new technologies in the process of the self-development, applied both for professional development and the integration of teaching materials and methodology of presentation and take advantages of materials available widely around us. The ICT materials are characterized by their power to memorize process or make accessible (on screen) and to transit a virtually unlimited and extremely diversified quantity of data. These new technologies are found with increasing frequency in various forms, texts, diagrams, graphs, moving images, sounds, etc. It is not possible to take stock of their contributions in the same way as one would an existing education technology. A narrow conception of computers' use within the English language teaching today would see the computer as a device with some well-defined functions, such as a drill on basic skills. Within this conception, it would make sense to examine critically the research that has been done specifically on computer use, with the aim of identifying the programs that are most effective for students who could be most helped. One would look for evidence of the effectiveness of this technique in comparison to other technologies, such as the use of film strips to learn about famous authors or playing word games as a way to build vocabulary. According to the conclusions of many scientists of the world, Computer technology provides simulations for students as the following: [1, 66] ·
are not only able to communicate with each other during classroom time, but
with other learners around the world, at any hour of the day or night; ·
addition, computer multimedia gives a student a firsthand access to materials
outside of traditional textbooks and classroom props; ·
can keep in touch with one another, which allows them to work together to solve
problems; ·
the same time computer technology can play a positive role in academic
achievements; ·
if computer technology does not improve academic achievements, the fact is that
students gain experience on how to use a computer, which is important once
students are out of school and looking for a job. Most businesses make use of
computer technology so it is best for students to learn at least the basics of
computer technology while they are at school; ·
technology in education is extremely important for students who are unable to
travel between home and school. Students can continue their education using
online classrooms that transmit the curriculum to them via live broadcast.
These students can do their work and send the work back to teachers, using the
Internet; ·
will benefit when given tasks such as note taking, reading for information,
listening, researching and writing, using the technology available; ·
can be used to enhance lectures and transform dull lessons into
attention-grabbing and motivating learning experiences. Color, animated
graphics and sound can be used to capture and maintain students` attention.
Computers and technology can be used for interacting and participating in the
lecture and lesson; ·
will provide the students with a well-rounded education and creating a more
positive and motivating environment at the same time help better prepare
students for a competitive labor market; · teachers find themselves able to be more or less autonomous in their decision-making around approach, materials and means, including use of technology. ICT can expand access to language programs and improve the quality of teaching and learning in general. It also expands the classroom context and provides access to current, up-to-date materials from the country or countries of the target language, offering learners and teachers a plethora of materials in different modes, bringing the foreign culture and language to life and making it more tangible. As Butler-Pascoe remarks, in following lists 14 advantages of technology for ESP, which she later describes in more detail: [2, 94-95.] ü
interaction and communicative activities representative of specific
professional or academic environments. ü
understanding of the socio-cultural aspects of the language as practiced in
various fields and professions. ü
comprehensible field-specific input and facilitates student production. ü
sheltering strategies for language development and content-specific
understanding (modeling, bridging to students’ background experiences,
contextualizing, metacognitive activities, etc.) ü
task-based and inquiry-based strategies reflective of tasks in discipline
specific settings and situations. ü
authentic materials from specific disciplines and occupations. ü
authentic audiences, including outside experts in specific fields. ü
cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills required in the disciplines. ü
collaborative learning. ü
focused practice for the development of reading, writing, listening, and
speaking skills across the curriculum and disciplines. ü
student-centered and addresses specific needs of students. ü
multiple modalities to support different learning styles. ü
affective needs of students: motivation, self-esteem, and autonomy. ü Provides appropriate feedback and assessment of content knowledge and English skills. The positive affordances of computer technology in a foreign language have been recognized in most educational contexts; the technology and materials are available, but ongoing training is essential if we are to reap the benefits of the rich learning environment, which ICTs offer for a foreign language learning. As training and education become increasingly time and place independent, new models must be found to integrate the new media into a principled approach to teaching and learning, which enriches and supplements traditional materials and well-tried delivery systems in existing institutions. The different contributions in this study show some of the potential of the new technologies for language learning and language teaching. They also warn us of being over-optimistic. In order to encourage the use of ICT in teaching and learning of English, the following recommendations are made: Ø
English language teachers should be encouraged to learn the use of information
communication technology in language
teaching; Ø
administrators should be encouraged to purchase computers and other information
communication technology equipment for teaching and learning of English; Ø Parents should also be encouraged to be computer literate in order to assist their children and wards at home. Finally, all teachers and students should have access to the use of information communication technology gadgets in their activity and use them regularly. In conclusion, technology also can be used to change writing instructions in a variety of ways. They can facilitate the processes of generating ideas and organizing texts. Unlike teachers, they can give feedback at any convenient moment. They can comment upon features of written texts. With the aid of a text editor, revision of a text is more efficient and rewarding. Information technology can increase the time-on-task and can help lessen the teaching load. They can thus create time and opportunity for teachers` involvement with essential aspects of writing processes that are beyond the reach of the computer. To sum up, it is incumbent upon the English language teacher to integrate the information communication technology tools into the teaching system curriculum in a pedagogically sound and meaningful way. The trendy, intrepid and creative teacher would venture into this virtual realm, find authentic resources, and use them to make foreign language classroom a marvelous place to learn. In this way, they should move heaven and earth to teach students via the latest information communication technologies in order to make a tremendous process in the future. References: 1. Bertram V. Bruce. Roles for Information
Technologies in teaching the English language.-USA: "Illinois", 2017.
2. Butler-Pascoe. Technology-integrated English for
Specific Purposes lessons. India: "Calcutta University Press", 2009. 3. Foltos Les. Language Learning Strategies; What
Every Teacher Should Know?. Paris: "Heinle Publishers", 2011. |