Technology lessons of information technology |
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Автор: Shermatova M.R. |
01.06.2020 09:46 |
TECHNOLOGY LESSONS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shermatova Mahfuza Rahimjanovna Namangan State University Primary Education Teacher of the Department of Methodology Annotation: Information technologies , computers and computer programs are created to facilitate the work
that people do, to operate effectively and to acquire
knowledge, open up new opportunities and require us to acquire new
knowledge and skills. Basic concepts: information, communication, technology, training, Internet, e-mail, computer network. The 21st century is the age of new information technologies . During this period, Technology It is impossible to form the necessary skills and competencies without knowledge of the language. The main criterion for the preparation of students for the next life is the acquisition of vital knowledge and skills of the XXI century. In this context, the goals and objectives of modern education are changing, moving from the traditional approach to education to the approach of education in the XXI century, that is, person-centered education. On the basis of such an educational approach, the full development of the student's personality, all-round readiness for a rapidly changing life, the development of their independent learning skills, creative thinking, critical information in a vast information space It is not only the ability to search, to choose, to see the problems that lie ahead, but also to be able to express and solve them. It would be appropriate to quote Craig Barrett here: "Miracles are created by teachers, not computers." In other words , the means of information technology serve to improve the quality of education, in the process of which they participate only as a means of collecting knowledge. In the implementation of the huge tasks facing the education system, teachers in the XXI century requires experience and skills. Today, a lot of research is being done on 21st century skills and competencies. In particular, the "Information and Communication Tools Competition Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT)", developed by UNESCO, "On the skills and competencies of the XXI century" partnership organization (Partnership for 21st Century Skills - www.21st In addition, Apple Computer, Cisco Systems, Dell Computer Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Intel Corporation are conducting special research on the skills and abilities of the XXI century. In the XXI century, the labor market is changing jobs, the emergence of new ones. The education system must respond accordingly. Information and Communication Technology rights (ICT) in the educational process in the formation of the skills that are important for students to achieve success in the XXI century is one of the most important tools. The introduction of ICT in the educational process requires teachers to have a number of skills and competencies: effective use of a text editor in the preparation of didactic materials and documents related to their activities, preparation of multimedia presentations, information retrieval and communication within the network . In performing these tasks, teachers are required to be computer literate. Today, computer literacy is a comprehensive concept that involves many skills. Of these, it is important to distinguish the most necessary and essential part of computer literacy by teachers. The basic skills that science teachers need to acquire in ICT literacy increase the effectiveness of education: - To have an
understanding of the computer and the principles of its operation (knowledge of
basic and peripherals); - Knowledge
of software; -
To be able to use a set of text editors, spreadsheets and other
applications in the preparation of didactic materials and working papers; - Know how to use the Internet. The skills listed above are the minimum skills required to achieve ICT literacy. For today's teacher, information work is not only to perform the tasks of his professional activity (lesson planning, creating presentations, collecting materials on the subject from the Internet), but also to create didactic materials on the subject he teaches. it should also serve for the use of ICT tools in the organization of students' learning activities (assignment of various tasks through a computer network, creation of Internet resources and placement of educational materials in them). In general secondary
schools, the teacher and the student must have organized ICT
literacy . . 1.
Have an understanding of the computer and know the principles of its
operation, which in turn is determined by finding answers to the following
questions. - What is
a computer? -
What is a computer (what is its architecture)? - How the computer starts and stops. 2. Knowledge of software - this in turn requires working in the Windows operating system (creating files and directories, performing various operations on them ). Installing and deleting applications and tutorials from computer memory; 3. To be able to use a package of text editors, spreadsheets and other applications in the preparation of didactic materials and working papers: - Creating,
formatting, printing and transferring text documents; - Work with tables,
pictures and diagrams in text editors; - Creating tables in
spreadsheet editors, working with formulas, creating graphs and diagrams; - Creation of
pedagogical presentations with the help of multimedia programs; - Edit images using graphic editors. 4. Know how to use the Internet: - Search, download
and save information on educational materials on the Internet; - Participation in
online web forums and webinars (seminars on the Internet); - Use of e-mail
service; - the implementation
of dialogue through the Internet ( Skype audio and
video ); - Use of social networking opportunities (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). Having the above-mentioned elements of ICT literacy is an organizational part of the effective introduction of ICT in the educational process. Today, the main focus in improving the professional skills of teachers in the field of ICT is to train them as computer users. Teachers need to not only be ICT literate, but also have the right methods to use ICT tools to increase the effectiveness of education. That is, every science teacher should be able to use ICT tools as a didactic tool in their lessons . Therefore, it is advisable to teach not only computer literacy classes, but also topics related to the use of ICT in advanced training courses. The analysis shows that even teachers with computer literacy are not able to use ICT tools effectively in the classroom. This situation is a problem inherent in the education system of many countries. It is obvious that in terms of relevance, the methodology of using ICT in the classroom is more important than the acquisition of ICT literacy . Skills related to the use of ICT in the classroom can be noted the use of their didactic potential in the creation of pedagogical tools with the help of text and table editors (entering formulas in a text editor, creating graphs of functions in table editors, etc.). In addition, this methodology involves the use of ICT tools in what part of the lesson and for how long. As a confirmation of these ideas can be cited "Recommendations of teachers on information and communication skills" developed by UNESCO . This can be downloaded from the following recommendations: . These recommendations also emphasize that the modern teacher is technologically literate and that the formation of these skills in students is not enough. In summary, a modern teacher can help students develop skills such as collaboration in the use of ICT, problem solving, knowledge seeking, the ability to critically analyze and generalize information from a variety of sources. will need to be able to. Every science teacher
should be aware of the structure and principles of the introduction of ICT
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