The problems of usage high technologies in classroom |
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Автор: Kushakova Barnokhon Yuldashevna |
01.06.2020 09:25 |
Kushakova Barnokhon Yuldashevna, Doctor of Philosophy in philology
(PhD), UzSWLU, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Virtual Learning. If the flipped classroom is changing the nature of what happens within classroom walls, new models for course delivery are breaking down those walls altogether. Virtual environments, from blended classes offered by a university to its enrolled students, to massively open online courses (MOOCs) offered for free by universities around the world to any student, have dominated recent conversation, and student interest and enrollment in them is only expected to grow. According to one Pew Research Center survey, 50 percent of college presidents expect that within 10 years, a majority of students will be taking at least some of their classes online. Already, nearly a third of college students have taken at least one class completely online according to the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology (2012), from the Educause Center for Applied. Research.MOOCs and other, more traditional but fully online courses are designed to enable instructors and students to interact virtually. Often, the courses are delivered through a unique platform or learning management system (LMS) that supports basic classroom functions such as lecture posting and file sharing, group discussions, work submission, and quizzes or other assessments. In some cases, the LMS facilitates real-time interactions such as chat, desktop sharing, collaborative whiteboard space and web conferencing. Online courses are touted for their convenience because of their asynchronous delivery, allowing students to learn and interact with content according to their own schedule, instead of within a fixed class time. Such courses also allow students and faculty to participate from any location [2; 23]. While online courses frequently are structured much like onsite classes, with content released and covered only in a specific time period, they also lend themselves well to competency-based learning. A major complaint about online courses is that they lack face-to- face interaction, which can present a challenge for some students. In response, many institutions now offer "blended” courses, providing synchronous and asynchronous opportunities with both onsite and online components. The flipped classroom is an example of a blended class in its simplest form. However, the online component of a blended course often reduces the amount of in-class time. With the advent of so many new technologies, the benefits of virtual learning can be combined with the value of face-to-face interaction in ways never possible before. Online courses can be made more personal, and physical classrooms can be transformed into a global stage [1; 6-11]. Web and video conferencing and telepresence systems provide the means for face-to-face interactions in both physical and virtual environments. Online classes can be augmented with virtual office hours, in which faculty members meet face-to-face with students via Skype or other web conferencing technologies. Online students can form study groups or work on group projects in real time using web and video conferencing and collaboration tools. The potential of these technologies to transform the physical classroom space is even more compelling. The high-definition audio and video capabilities of telepresence systems make it possible to bring faculty and students into the traditional classroom from hundreds or thousands of miles away, with near lifelike precision. An expert doing fieldwork in Uzbekistan can guest lecture to students in Japan. A professor can hold class simultaneously in three different counties in Tashkent - a particularly useful tool for institutions with satellite campuses and highly specialized course content. Similarly, a student who needs a class not offered locally can join a classroom thousands of miles from home, with all the benefits of taking the course in person.
A fundamental shift in higher education technology thinking is occurring, not just because of the presence of personal devices in a university’s technology mix and on the network (both of which historically have been closed systems), but also because of how these devices are being used in the classroom. In a traditional, lecture-style course, classroom interactions almost exclusively are one-way, with a faculty member lecturing and students taking notes. Even with the introduction of classroom technology, most commonly a computer and projector, information and content is pushed to students with little engagement. Newer technologies, such as interactive whiteboards, are engaging students more fully with course content, but generally their use is limited to one or two students at a time. With the widespread inclusion of personal devices (notebook computers, smartphones, tablet devices, e-readers and more), students are taking a more active role in the classroom and engaging more deeply with content. Most students now arrive at college equipped with several devices (more than three devices per student, on average, according to some reports), and they expect to be able to connect them to their institution’s network and use them everywhere. Retooling the classroom.As new instructional models grow in popularity, students and faculty are asking to have more technology integrated into their classes and classrooms. Learning spaces must be redesigned from the ground up to meet today’s student and faculty needs The intended use of an architectural space and the entirety of the physical space - from furniture and lighting to acoustics and electricity - must be considered to maximize the effectiveness of modern instructional models and the technologies that support them. Designers must carefully consider the mix of space available and the different types of instruction each room can support. When rethinking learning space, many institutions find it difficult to dedicate rooms to specific instructional styles. Instead, they opt for flexible classroom spaces that can support a variety of pedagogical styles and class structures, and that can be adapted as styles and needs change. Such classrooms require more square feet per person than traditional classroom designs to provide sufficient room for a variety of class configurations. Furniture must be easily moved and configurable, and provide adequate surface space to balance student technology - notebooks, tablets, smartphones and e-readers - as well as books, papers and group work. Tables and chairs might be on casters or easily folded and stacked. Tables might also be in a variety of shapes that lend themselves to different configurations for individual or group work. Multiple writing surfaces and display areas, whether low-tech portable whiteboards or high-tech interactive whiteboards, can be included, alongside group tables with one flat-panel display each or a main presentation area with at least two screens for displaying both static and interactive content simultaneously. A solid infrastructure must be in place to support technology-enabled learning. While there may be specific requirements for server and storage infrastructure depending on the particular technologies deployed, the presence of end-user computing devices in the classroom elevates the importance of both network and power. Nowadays before teacher stands a very important question to solve, it is about the problem of usage high technologies in classroom. This problem is not just one, there are many of them, but they relating to each other. Analyzing the most significant of them before studying this one is important to understand the real difficulties with adoption of high technologies. Psychological Problems - it is a widespread misunderstanding amongst students that English the most difficult of all subjects. The result and the failure candidates act as evidence to prove this fact. Hence most of the students look at this subject with a prejudiced vision and bear the fear through the year. The psychological depression results in poor performance at the end of the year. Learning Methods - the primary aim of teaching English at this stage should be to concentrate on the fundamental skills of the language ability of the student namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is of paramount importance that the teacher should know what his task is and what he is trying to achieve by teaching English. They go on with their job of teaching without knowing the difficulties of the learner. The teacher should be fully aware of the fact that his student's proficiency in English is not up to mark owing to the deteriorating standard of teaching in schools. Our objectives of teaching English should be practical and in keeping with the standard of proficiency achieved by our students. We should emphasize on the main aims of teaching English to develop the ability of students to read and understand. It is an overall practice to use Artificial or Indirect Method instead of Natural or Direct Method of teaching English. We all learn our mother tongue very easily because we use Natural or Direct Method of learning. We follow this sequence 1. Listening. 2. Speaking. 3. Reading. 4. Writing, i.e. from the easiest skill to a difficult one. But in learning English as a foreign language we follow this sequence. 1. Writing. 2. Reading. 3. Speaking. 4. Listening, i.e. from the difficult skill to an easy one. When we start anything with difficulty obviously there are greater chances of failure. Problem of Concretizing the Abstract Idea: - The teacher faces a serious problem of concretizing the abstractness of the novel, poem, passage, words etc. they face difficulty in creating live pictures. The students find it difficult to understand the abstract idea and so they are unable to comprehend the lectures given by their teachers in English. If a poem on sadness is going on in the class the teacher should teach it so effectively that the students get tears in their eyes. This type of experience is hardly found in classroom teaching at present. In fact the teacher is always in a hurry to complete the portion and feels that it is waste of time to arouse emotions and interact with the students. Translation Method - Translation method is widely used in rural areas. It helps the learner to understand the content of the text but bars from learning the language. The main purpose of teaching the language is kept aside and the teaching of content and theme is given importance. Translation method is thus a great problem in learning English. Mother Tongue Interference - Most of the problems arise due to the interference of mother tongue in speaking English. Both the teachers and the students are very fluent in talking their own mother-tongue. But they forget the essence of pure language. When they speak in their mother-tongue they sometimes use English words in the midst of the sentences. They forget that every language differs in stress, intonation and pronunciation. Difference in English - English is pronounced in a very different way from almost all other languages of the world. Every region of the world where English is spoken has a different accent. When you are teaching English as second language, you must bear in mind that your students will not know the difference between US English, Queen's English and the entire sundry English's of the world. This could lead to confusions. Lack of Motivation: - in learning a second or a foreign language, motivation is the crucial force which determines whether the learner embarks on a task at all, how much energy he devotes to it and how long he perseveres. It is known as a complex phenomenon and includes many components, such as, the individual's drive, need for achievement and success, curiosity, desire for stimulation and new experience, and so on. As
a conclusion it’s possible to say that teaching English as second language is really
a fun if you do it in the right sporting way. It’s necessary to make it fun for
students too that's the way they will learn better. The list of the used literature 1.Braun D.R. Model’ resheniya problem dlya razvitiya
informatsionnoy gramotnosti: kompleksniy podxod. // Biblioteka v shkole.
Moskva: ARKTI, 2006. – s. 6–11. 2. Polat YE.S. Novie pedagogicheskie i
informatsionnie texnologii v sisteme obrazovaniya. – Moskva: Izdatel’skiy
sentr, Akademiya, 2000. – s. 23. |