Blended learning as a way to increase the effectiveness of distance learning in professional development of pedagogical staff of higher education institutions |
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Автор: Giyasova U.E. |
31.05.2020 17:14 |
STAFF OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Giyasova U.E., Scientific researcher, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Head scientific and
methodological center The current level of development of electronic technologies, coupled with the desire of the educational system to innovative processes, dictate the need to transform the educational process in professional development courses of pedagogical staff and optimize the time management for trainees’ self-training. One of the most effective ways to manage the time spent fortrainees’ independent work can be the introduction and use of a blended learning system implemented through the use of electronic educational resources. The semantic meaning of the term “blended learning” is a combination of traditional and electronic educational technologies, i.e. class training and distance education [1]. The term “distance learning” means the way of learning where the trainer and traineeare spatially separated [2]. Distance learning is characterized by all the problems of instruction as a whole, but at the same time it has specific problems associated with the form of implementation of instruction. They are the following: ·
in mastering the material in the mode of independent work; ·
input level of knowledge, abilities and skills according to the profile of the
distance course; ·
of direct contact between the trainer and trainee, as well as the interaction
between the trainees; ·
different level of trainees’ ability to study independently, which is
expressed, for example, in the uneven training load of a particular trainee
(practice shows that trainees often leave the study most of the course to the
very last moment); · limited methods of pedagogical impact, the main way to communicate in a distance course is the text. A significant drawback of almost any form of training (with the exception of the individual) is the underdeveloped feedback of the trainer with the trainees and, as a consequence, the insufficient effectiveness of the training. The desire to increase the effectiveness of training with its simultaneous intensification (shortening the training time, increasing the volume of material) makes educators relate to the already known teaching methods, as well as develop new forms and teaching methods. One of the possible ways to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the distance learning course is to change the format of the course, namely, embedding active teaching methods in distance courses, that is, the transition to blended learning. In this case, the main material is presented as part of a distance course, which involves the independent work of trainees; the consolidation and testing of the material takes place in full-time classes, implemented using active teaching methods. Active teaching methods provide practical testing of knowledge, skills and abilities passed on to trainees; allow to ensure a high level of assignment of the studied material and its fixing in practice. They also help eliminate delays in receiving feedback. Thus, the proposed change in the form of the course allows to: • restore direct contact between the trainer and the trainee, as well as
the trainees among themselves; • use non-verbal contact methods; • control the uniform distribution of the trainee workload. At the same
time, the advantages of distance learning remain: • flexibility in planning study time; • parallelism; • temporary asynchrony of training; • mass character; • information accessibility; • interactivity [3].
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Полат. – М., Издательский центр «Академия», 2001. – 271 с. 3.
Kaye. Blended learning: how to integrate online and traditional learning. –
London, Kogan Page, 2004. – 148 p. |
Обновлено 31.05.2020 17:16 |