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Distant teaching tools in foreign language teaching PDF Печать E-mail
Автор: Tojieva G.Ya.   
28.05.2020 11:34



Tojieva G.Ya. teacher of English

Tashkent city, Uzbekistan, TSUULL named after Navoi


The present world situation makes all the population work and study in distance so that to survive and continue the started work. This has become especially essential for teachers, who have to adapt from face to face teaching to distant online one. This transfer seems to follow the same format of face to face teaching, as the teacher organizes and distributes files through presentations, composes and conducts tests, answers questions that is aimed at assessing whether students understand the distributed information, shows videos that involve visual learners, regularly supports the students’ academic performance and provides feedback.

For this purpose, many university teachers in Uzbekistanhave been using different educational tools, i.e. internet sites, services, platforms and others so that relatively to follow the requirement put by the Higher Education Ministry and the government.

Distant teaching and learning have become very convenient for every participant of the process as the modern online educational services facilitate students’ interaction, are fully customized and easy to use, help teachers to reach a mass audience, their mobile versions are available with good customization features, handy automation tools, 24/7 support and gamification elements.

By the specialists these tools are typically categorized into two asynchronous and synchronous ones. Although there is one more which is called hybrid or blended[1].


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