Автор: M.E.Shukurova, Sh. Davronov, F.E.Kodirov |
11.04.2018 13:20 |
NANOTECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE M.E.Shukurova, assistant; Sh.
Davronov, assistant; F.E. Kodirov, a
student; Karshi branch of Tashkent
University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Kharazmi Introduction Before talking about the possible risks and prospects
of nanotechnology in medicine, I must say, what is it? For this concept there
is no exhaustive definition. "Nanotechnologies" are technologies that
operate on the order of magnitude of a nanometer. This is a negligible value,
hundreds of times smaller than the wavelength of visible light and comparable
to the size of the atoms. The development of nanotechnology is conducted in 3
directions: - manufacturing electronic circuits the size of a
molecule (atom); - development and manufacture of machines; - manipulation of atoms and molecules [1]. What is Nanomedicine? "Nanomedicine" is
tracking, correcting development, design and control of human biological
systems at the molecular level, using the developed nanorobots
and nano- structure (R. Freitas) [2,4]. At present, nanomedicine does not exist, there are
only projects, the embodiment of which will lead to nanomedicine. A
few years later, where the first nanorobot will be created, the
knowledge accumulated by nanomedicine, will be realized. Then in a few minutes you will get
rid of the virus influenza or from early atherosclerosis. Nanorobots
can return even a very old man in the state in which he was in his
youth. From The operations on the organs will go over to the operation on the molecules and we, we become "immortal" [3]. Nanomedicine. Prospects for development and possible
risks Scientists say that the day will come when, with the
help of nanotechnology, it is possible to integrate microscopic sensors into
human blood cells, treatment or development
of the disease. The projected period of implementation is the first half of the 21st
century [4], but for now journalists and the public are arguing: can
nanosensors affect perniciously the human body? After all, it is not known how
the body reacts to the foreign bodies introduced into it. As E. Drexler put it:
"The invisible weapons of the world revolution that cover the earth" gray slug
"(graygoo)" - a tiny reason for the end of the world [5]. Is it possible that nanotechnology can cause the
end of the world? or is it just a rich fantasy of some scientists?
Ordered in one way, the atoms make up homes and fresh air; ordered by another,
they form ash and smoke. Coal and diamonds, cancer and healthy tissue:
variations in the ordering of atoms have distinguished the cheap from the
precious, the sick from the healthy. Considering a single atom as a brick or
"detail" nanotechnologists are looking for practical ways to
design from these parts materials with specified characteristics. Many
companies already know how to assemble atoms and molecules into certain
structures. In the future, any molecules will be assembled like a child's constructor.
For this purpose it is planned to use nanorobots
(nanobots). Any chemically stable structure
that can be described can be
constructed. Since the nanobot can be programmed for the
construction of any structure, in particular, for the construction of another
nanobot, they will be very cheap. Working in large groups, nanobots can create
any objects with low costs, and high accuracy [5,6]. In medicine, the problem of using nanotechnology is
the need to change the structure of the cell at the molecular level, i.e. to
carry out "molecular surgery" with the help of nanobots. It is
expected to create molecular robotic physicians who can "live" inside
the human body, eliminating all arising damage, or preventing the occurrence of
such. By manipulating individual atoms and molecules, nanobots can repair
cells. The projected period for the creation of robotic doctors, the first half
of the 21st century [4]. In fact, nanomedicine does not yet exist, there are
only nanoprojects, the embodiment of which in medicine, ultimately, and will
allow the abolition of aging. Despite the existing state of things,
nanotechnology - as a cardinal solution to the problem of aging - is more than
promising. This is due to the fact that nanotechnology has a great commercial
potential for many industries, and accordingly, in addition to serious public
funding, research in this direction is conducted by many large corporations
[7]. Nanobots or molecular robots can participate (either
along with or in lieu of genetic engineering) in redesigning the cell's genome,
changing genes, or adding new ones to improve cell functions. An important
point is that such transformations in the future can be performed on the cells
of a living, already existing organism, changing the genome of individual
cells, in any way, transform the body itself! [8]. The description of nanotechnology may seem far-fetched, perhaps because its capabilities are so limitless, but nanotechnology experts note that to date there has not been published any article criticizing Drexler's technical arguments. Nobody managed to find an error in his calculations.
Meanwhile, investments in this area (already amounting to billions of dollars)
are growing rapidly, and some simple methods of molecular production are
already in full use. Nanotechnologies can lead the world to a new technological
revolution and completely change not only the economy but also the human habitat.
Within the framework of this article, we consider only the promise of these
technologies for the abolition of aging people. It is possible that after the
improvement to ensure "eternal youth" nanobots will no longer be
needed or they will be produced by the cell itself. To achieve these goals, it
is necessary to solve three main tasks: 1. Develop and create molecular robots that will be
able to repair the molecules. 2. Develop and create nanocomputers that will manage
nanomachines. 3. Create a complete description of all the molecules in the human body, in other words, create a map of the human body at the atomic level. The main difficulty is the creation of the first
nanobot. There are several promising areas. One of them is to improve the
scanning tunneling microscope or atomic force microscope and achieve positional
accuracy and capture force. Another way to create the first nanobot is chemical
synthesis. Can be designed A group of
nanotechnologists from the Institute of Foresight said that the rapid growth of
nanotechnology is getting out of control, but unlike Bill Joy, instead of
simply banning the development of research in this field, they proposed
establishing government control over research. Such supervision can prevent an
accidental catastrophe, for example, when nanobots create themselves (to
infinity), consuming as a building material everything in its path, including
factories, pets and people. Ray Kurzweil argues that by 2020, it will be possible
to place billions of nanobots in a circulatory system in the size of a cage.
According to Robert Freitas, the leading scientist in the field of
nanomedicine, this will happen no earlier than in 2030-2035. These nanobots can
inhibit the aging process, heal individual cells and interact with individual neurons.
So they practically merge with us. Scientists from the state of Michigan argue that with the help of nanotechnology it will be possible to integrate microscopic sensors into human blood cells that will warn about signs of radiation or the development of the disease. In the US, at the suggestion of NASA, the development of such nanosensors is underway. James Bayner imagines a nanorail with cosmic rays: before the start, the astronaut, using a syringe for subcutaneous injections, injects into the bloodstream a transparent liquid saturated with millions of nanoparticles, during the flight he inserts a small device (like a hearing aid) into his ear. During the flight this device will use a small laser to search for luminous cells. This is possible, because cells pass through the capillaries of the tympanic membrane. By wireless communication, the cell information will be transmitted to the main computer of the spacecraft, and then processed. In which case, the necessary measures will be taken [11]. All this can come true in about 5-10 years. Scientists have been using nanoparticles for more than 5 years. Now, sensors thinner than a human hair can be 1000 times more sensitive than standard DNA tests. American scientists who developed these nanosensors, believe that doctors will be able to conduct a range of different analyzes, using only one drop of blood. One of the advantages of this system is the ability to immediately transfer the results of the analysis to a handheld computer. Researchers believe that it takes about five years to develop a fully functional nanosensor model that physicians can use in their daily work. With the help of nanotechnology, medicine can not only fight any disease, but also prevent its appearance, can help human adaptation in space [12]. Can "obsolete the experience" affect a person? When the mechanism completes its work, the nanoconcusors will have to remove nanorobots from the human body. Therefore, the danger that the "obsolete nanorobots" that remain in the human body will not work properly is very small. Nanorobots should be designed to avoid malfunctions and reduce medical risk. And how will the nanorobots be removed from the body? Some of them will be capable of self-elimination from the human body through natural channels. Others will be designed in such a way that they can be removed by physicians. The process of removal will depend on the device of this nanorobot [11,12]. What can be done wrong during treatment with a human nanorobot? It is believed that the paramount danger to the patient will be the incompetence of the attending physician. But mistakes can occur in unexpected cases. One of the unforeseen cases can be the interaction between robots in their collision. Such malfunctions will be difficult to determine. An illustration of such a case is the work of two types of nanorobots A and B in the human body. If the nanorobot A removes the consequences of the work of the robot B, it will result in the repeated work of A, and this process will continue indefinitely, that is, the nanorobots will correct each other's work. In order to avoid such situations, the attending physician should constantly monitor the work of nanorobots and, if necessary, reprogram them. The qualification of a doctor is an important factor [13]. How will the human body react to nanorobots? As is
known, our immune system reacts to foreign bodies. Therefore, the size of the
nanorobot plays an important role, as does the surface roughness and mobility
of the device. It is argued that the problem of biocompatibility is not very
complicated. The solution to this problem will be the creation of robots based
on diamondoid materials. Due to the strong surface energy and its strong
smoothness, the outer shell of the robots will be chemically inert [14]. Nanotechnology is already used in medicine. The main
areas of its application are: diagnostic technologies, medical devices,
prosthetics and implants. Bright About
four dozen people passed through the method of deep brain stimulation. Many
colleagues of Aziza say that this method is not effective and can have negative
consequences. The professor is convinced that the method is effective. Neither
one is proved now. Another revolutionary discovery is the biochip - a small plate with DNA or protein molecules applied to it in a certain order, used for biochemical analyzes. The principle of the biochip is simple. On the plastic plate, certain sequences of segments of the cleaved DNA are applied. In the analysis, the test material is placed on the chip. If it contains the same kind of genetic information, then they are bound. The advantage of the biochips is a large number of biological tests with significant savings in the material under study, reagents, labor and time for analysis [15]. conclusions Prospects for the development of nanotechnology are
very great. Currently used nanotechnology are harmless. Examples are nanochipes
and sunscreen cosmetics based on nanocrystals [16]. And such technologies as
nanorobots and nanosensors are still in the process of development.
Conversations that because of the endless process of self-reproduction of
nanorobots a thick layer of "gray mucus" can cover the entire Earth,
are so far only a theory not confirmed by any data. Nanotechnology is a field
of science that is subjected to severe criticism before introducing any
innovations. NASA scientists say that they successfully tested nanorobots on
animals. But is it worth it to believe? Everyone decides this for himself. The
use, for example, of such nanotechnologies as nanosensors, can be risky. After
all, any, even the simplest system can fail, what can we say about such
advanced technologies as nanorobots? And, in addition, we must take into
account the individual physiological characteristics of each person. So, the prospects for the development of
nanotechnology are great. In the near future with their help it will be
possible not only to overcome any physical illness, but also to prevent its
occurrence. But scientists do not say anything about risks. There are only
countless articles in the yellow press that people under the influence of
nanorobots will become uncontrollable, like zombies. So the public needs to pay more attention to this
issue: so that scientists not only considered "both
sides of the coin," but also made the society aware of this. REFERENCES: 1. Игами
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