Автор: M.U.Mamatmuradova, F.E.Qodirov |
05.04.2018 11:13 |
F.E.Qodirov, Karshi branch of TUIT, student Abstract: Pedagogical technologies are being improved day by
day, and in this sense the study of the effectiveness of the application of
these technologies contributes to the further improvement of the quality of
education and the socialization of the individual. The development of
information and communication technologies determines the changes in the field
of human communication, management style, business, economics, politics and
education. The article deals with the introduction of modern ICT and innovative
pedagogical technologies in the learning process. Key words: educational process, innovative technologies,
information and communication technologies, modern educational process, teacher activity. Changes in modern society are
accompanied by an accelerated movement of the world towards information, the
progress of science, technology, the desire to conquer nanotechnology - all
this becomes an indisputable reality. With certainty, we can say that now
scientific and technical information and communication technologies are
changing the whole world. These greatest achievements of scientific potential
can play a key role in the development of individual and collective
interaction, as well as social, economic, cultural and political progress. In the context of informatization of education, the
importance of information and communication competence of specialists
increases. World practice confirms the possibility of improving education based
on the widespread introduction of methods and means of information computer
technology. These tasks acquire special significance in the process of training
teachers. Information technologies in the educational process
have a significant impact on the formation of a modern information picture of
the world. Developed general educational, general cultural and professional
skills of working with information, the ability to establish contacts with
people; the ability to design objects and processes, responsibly implement
their plans - the basis of information and communication competence of
teachers. The urgency of using information technologies in the
educational process at the university is determined by the social need to
improve the quality of education and the practical need to use modern computer
programs in higher educational institutions. Modernization of the educational
process requires the transition from passive, mainly lecture, methods of
mastering the educational material, to active group and individual forms of
work, organizing independent research activities of students, which will allow
to prepare a specialist with a distinct individuality and organize the activity
of those engaged in various conditions. In our opinion, this can be facilitated
by the introduction of information computer technologies and digital
educational resources into the educational process. Knowledge of information and communication
technologies (ICT) by university professors is the basis for improving the
quality of education. The use of ICT tools to create educational and
methodological support makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the
educational process. The competent use of ICT by the teacher increases the
pedagogical influence on the formation of the student's creative potential. At present, the principle of variability is actively
used in vocational education, which gives educators of educational institutions
the opportunity to develop and conduct the educational process in different
models, including author's. In this direction, the progress of higher education
is also observed: the development of all possible variants of its content, the
use of the potentials of modern pedagogy to increase the effectiveness of
educational structures, the scientific development and implementation of modern
methods and technologies in practice. At the present stage of the development of higher
education, the requirements for the theoretical justification of pedagogical
technologies that determine the effectiveness of the learning process and the
professional requirements for participants in higher education are raised,
which must be able to act and think creatively and develop the same qualities
in students. The ability to innovate becomes an essential sign of professional
competence, pedagogical and methodical culture. In the innovative environment,
the role of the teacher dramatically changes, where he becomes a moderator of
the educational process, in which educational goals and tasks are solved with
the help of modern technologies on the basis of practice-oriented and
competence-based approaches. In understanding the essence of
innovative processes in education, there are two major problems of pedagogy -
the problem of studying, summarizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical
experience and the problem of introducing the achievements of
psycho-pedagogical science into practice. Therefore, the subject of innovation,
the content and mechanisms of innovation processes should lie in the plane of
combining two interrelated processes, which have so far been considered in
isolation, i.e. the result of innovative processes should be the use of
innovations, both theoretical and practical, as well as those that are formed
at the intersection of theory and practice. All this underscores the importance
of management activities in the creation, development and use of pedagogical
innovations. Speech, therefore, is that the teacher can act as the author,
developer, researcher, user and promoter of new pedagogical technologies,
theories, concepts. Management of this process provides targeted selection,
evaluation and application in their work of the experience of colleagues or
proposed by science new ideas, techniques. The need for an innovative
orientation of pedagogical activity in the current conditions of the
development of society, culture and education is determined by a number of
circumstances. First, the ongoing socio-economic transformation has
necessitated a radical renewal of the education system, methodology and
technology of the organization of the educational process in educational
institutions of various types. The innovative orientation of the activities of
teachers and educators, including the creation, mastering and use of
pedagogical innovations, is a means of updating educational policy. Secondly, the strengthening of the humanitarization of
the content of education, the continuous change in the volume, the composition
of the academic disciplines, the introduction of new academic subjects require
a constant search for new organizational forms, teaching technologies. In this
situation, the role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teacher's
environment significantly increases. Thirdly, the change in the nature of the attitude of
teachers towards the very fact of mastering and applying pedagogical
innovations. In the conditions of strict regulation of the content of the
teaching and upbringing process, the teacher was limited not only in the
independent choice of new programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new
methods and methods of pedagogical activity. If earlier the innovation activity
was reduced mainly to the use of the innovations recommended from above, now it
acquires an increasingly selective, research character. In conclusion, we should note that in connection with
this, a short and specific methodology should be developed for everything
related to the creation, search, acquisition, use and updating of electronic
education resources. Education in its essence is already an innovation. Using
these technologies in innovative teaching, the teacher makes the process more
complete, interesting, and saturated. When crossing the subject areas of the
natural sciences, such integration is simply necessary to form an integral
worldview. Thus, the use and introduction of ICT plays a big role in the
professional growth of teachers, increases their information competence. The
very role of the teacher in the lesson changes: from the teacher - the source
of information, a transition to a teacher-consultant, co-author of student
discoveries. The graduate will live in a world in which the ability to use ICT
will largely determine his life success, and you can really learn how to use
ICT by actively applying them in the educational process, so that every
graduate of the university is successful in the modern conditions: he could
find the best way to realize yourself. REFERENCES: 1. Zaitseva LA The use of information computer technologies in the
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