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Автор: Achilova F.K. |
28.04.2016 17:39 |
VALUE OF PRODUCTION MULTIFUNCTIONAL MULTIMEDIA HEADPHONES Achilova F.K. Department of Information and Educational Technologies Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Shahrisabz, Kashkadarya region, Republic of Uzbekistan Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Abstract: This paper is a proposal for the development of feature-rich multimedia headphones; the project incorporates the possibility of a new design and new features. Presents the views and comments about the benefits of convenience (ergonomics), tasks and performance data headphones. Keywords: Multimedia, headphones, wireless technology, audio, USB, speakers, radio, voice recorder, Bluetooth, clock, battery charger, the USB-flash drive, volume button. I. INTRODUCTION Headphones - a device designed for personal (individual), listening to music, speech or other audio signals. Also, in conjunction with the microphone and by telephone or other audio communications, headphones are a means of negotiations (dialogue). According to electric signals transmission method headphones are divided into the following types: · Wire - linked by wires to a source that provides high sound quality; · Wireless - with a source connected via wireless channels, infrared or Bluetooth. Compact, but limited radius of action. Compared with headphones with wires have more advantages. By the number of channels of the headphones can be divided into the following types: · Stereo - signals are sent separately to each of the radio speakers (the most common type); · Mono - two radio speakers have a common signal; · With additional channels - on each ear meant more than one radio channel, which in turn allows you to divide the channels on the frequency of indicators; By the structure of the headphones are: • is placed in the ear - in the ear; • intracanal - are placed in the ear canal; • Coating - cover the ear; • Full-length or monitor - completely cover the surface of the ears;
Main technical recommendations for the headphones, the following: • Frequency bands - average frequency indicators 18 Hz - 20,000 Hz; • Sensitivity - the effect on the volume, generally at least 100 dB; • Resistance; • The maximum power; When using software sound channels for conversations via the Internet, using different microphones, coupled with a sound card. Among the users are widely used headphones with integrated microphone.
II. GOAL Provide the user the multifunctional headphones and rid it of the need for additional devices, as well as to achieve a reduction of economic costs.
III. CAPABILITIES The proposed multifunctional multimedia headphones have the following features, benefits and amenities: 1. The absence of wires. Headphones operate on the basis of a wireless system. They can be used at any time and in any place, without limitation being in a certain place and a connection to an audio device via a cable. Headphones are convenient because free hand in carrying out household chores, while walking in the places of leisure, while driving or cycling. 2. Bluetooth. Connecting to the devices that are connected with more range, for example, a telephone, you can talk or listen to music. 3. USB. With this system, you can use the audio data. 4. Flash memory. The headphones placed a special device for reading from USB memory sticks and small volumes of chips. 5. Speakers. From the outside those parts of headphones that direction in the area of ears, placed speakers. This makes it possible to increase the number of users, because it provides the ability to share music, radio broadcasts, as well as the possibility of collective phone calls. 6. Radio. You can listen to the local radio broadcast. 7. Recorder. Where necessary, you can make a recording of the audio data. 8. Time. A device giving information about the hours, minutes and seconds. In addition, there is a function of calendar data, stopwatch, timer and alarm. These data can be seen on the board, and can make their sound reproduction. 9. Microphone. Used for communication and audio recording. 10. The volume button. With special buttons to increase or decrease the volume, stop, or disable the playback of sound files. 11. The on-off button. A special button start and end of the working activity of headphones, allowing, if necessary, switch the headphones on and off after the end of their use. 12. Lantern. If necessary illumination artificial light sources, has the task of illuminating dark areas. Very comfortable and productive work activities for archaeologists. 13. Web-camera. It performs the task of video recording and stores this data in its memory. 14. Battery. At the headphones have an extra battery. They can be used for exhaustion of the charge source, not on the possibility of charging the device. 15. Charger. The device charging the headphones. Charge the device can be safely sent to the daily travel Disadvantages: 1. The volume may reach high values. 2. The apparatus may be a little difficult. 3. There may be a relatively large amount of waste energy.
IV. CONCLUSION The area of information and communication technologies applied in all areas of society. Mankind is using this technology achieves an increase labor productivity, save time and money. I hope that the proposed multi-functional multimedia headphones contribute to a further increase in the user experience.
V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank leader beloved Motherland Uzbekistan, which gave me a great opportunity. Many thanks to my mother who brought me up and guarded as the apple of the eye and contribute to my growth in the world of science. Also sincerely thank the teachers who gave me an education.
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Обновлено 29.04.2016 12:57 |