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Автор: Kayumova N.A. |
28.04.2016 16:34 |
HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF DISTANCE LEARNING Kayumova N.A. Republic of Uzbekistan, Karshi branch of TUIT
The oldest predecessor of distance learning is the "correspondent training" which arose in Europe as a result of emergence of a regular and available mail service in the second half of 18 centuries. Though the beginning of 20th century was full of technical inventions, for example, of phone, telegraph, but nevertheless the facts of their use as tutorials weren't recorded. However, it is impossible to say the same about such inventions as radio and television. They literally changed methods of distance learning and ranks of trainees fairly increased. But there is one essential shortcoming at distance learning by means of radio and television, namely that trainees are deprived of possibility of feedback, and also there weren't possibilities of checking of the gained knowledge [3]. The first university of remote education was founded in Great Britain in 1969, and it is called Open University of Britain. Such name was given not incidentally, it showed availability of training at this university because of its acceptable price and lack of need of often visits. Then Great Britain passed on baton to other countries, and on many universities of the world the idea of development of own program of distance learning started extending. University of South Africa (the Republic of South Africa, 1974), Fern University in Hagen (Germany, 1974), National technological university (the USA, 1984) are the most known. The present 21st century - a century of information technologies, was a big incitement of simplification, distribution and acceleration of distance learning. Especially important role in that was played by the Internet which expanded borders of students and teachers opportunities. E-learning (from English Electronic learning), is the general term meaning training by means of the computer, information and electronic technologies. By definition of specialists of UNESCO: "e-learning is a training with the Internet and multimedia". Initially this concept was used in the second half of the 90s of the 20th century, and originates from the automated system of training of Plato, developed at university of the State of Illinois, the USA. At all times, and especially in present, information and its correct and timely use was always the defining criterion of success. As it is known the majority of editions, researches, resources, news and messages about new ideas and achievements are published in broad scopes of the Internet, and owing to this fact practically all spheres of human activity including education, adapted for this progress. As a result, electronic training widely extended as effective and economic training, in particular in the sphere of business and education. e-learning – gives huge opportunities to all subjects of educational activity: • Teachers have opportunity to give marks in electronic diaries and journals, thus, to watch progress of each certain student and to receive reports about that. The reports are automatically generated by system that in tenth times accelerates and facilitates routine work with documentation. • e-learning gives opportunity for administration of educational institution to accelerate and improve such processes as maintaining standard and legal base, development of the reports and documentation, regular records of the personnel, development of the school schedule and some other works that are necessary for management of educational process [1]. • e-learning provides for students with all services, modules and materials necessary for successful development of certain subjects. They have a possibility of remote access to lesson schedule and to homework’s, to electronic textbooks and to educational resources, also the possibility of on-line visit of additional classes and consultations with teachers, and possibility of marks viewing. • And, at last, e-learning gives for parents an opportunity of the operational notice of attendances and progresses of their children, about innovations in an education system, gives possibilities of communication with teachers and administration of educational institution and some other opportunities. The Distance Learning (DL) is the set of technologies providing interactive interaction of students and teachers in the course of training, serving for delivery to pupils of certain materials and resources for studying, giving to pupils opportunity of independent work on development of the studied material. There are different opinions about a question "Are distance learning and e-learning synonyms?". In some sense yes. Though of course, concept of distance learning covers not only computer and telecommunication technologies, but also other means of communication (phone, letters, telegrams, parcels and others), however, today these means of communication are outdated and a little demanded, and as a result lose the relevance. For this reason, in this final qualification work we will consider concepts of electronic training, e-learning and distance learning as synonyms. It should be noted that distance learning can be used and as remote means of development of the separate materials necessary for professional development of users, and as means of receiving the higher education at distance, and as means, additional to the main training. Literature 1. Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об образовании», Ташкент, Узбекистан, 1997. 2. Морев И. А. Образовательные информационные технологии. Часть 3. Дистанционное обучение: Учеб. пособие. – Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневосточного университета, 2004. 3. Белозубов А.В., Николаев Д.Г. Система дистанционного обучения Moodle. Учебно-методическое пособие. – СПб. 2007. 4. Salmon, G. E-moderating: the key to teaching and learning online (2nd ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer. 2003. |
Обновлено 29.04.2016 12:58 |