Development of digital competences and digital culture of teachers Печать
Автор: Atajonova S.B.   
20.12.2024 20:45



Atajonova Saidakhon Borataliyevna

Andijan machine-building institute

Head of the department of Informaton technologies


Abstract. In the context of digitalization of education, the development of digital competencies and culture of teachers is becoming a necessary element of professional growth. This article examines the theoretical aspects of digital competence, the main components of digital culture and approaches to improving their level among teaching staff. Methods aimed at creating a modern educational environment that promotes the effective implementation of digital tools and technologies are considered. Emphasis is placed on the importance of developing skills in using digital platforms, data analysis tools and communication tools.

Key words: digital competence, digital culture, professional development of teachers, educational technologies, digital tools, educational environment, digitalization of education.


Introduction. The development of the modern information society, intensive updating and reformatting of the domestic education system, which increasingly depends on the immersion of its subjects in the information and communication (computer, multimedia, digital) environment, leads to a gradual updating of the conceptual apparatus, the introduction of new definitions into scientific circulation and a rethinking of existing ones [4]. Analyzing certain educational problems associated with the use of computer technologies, domestic and foreign scientists increasingly use the concepts of "digital competence", "digital literacy", "digital culture of a teacher", which are becoming a kind of indicators of the professional training of a modern teacher. Digital technologies serve as a potential for stimulating more inclusive and sustainable development and stimulating innovation, and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of educational services. Today, it is important to take advantage of digital transformation, which contributes to the creation of jobs and provides access to educational services, and also allows solving potential problems (Ovcharuk et al., 2022) [1].


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